Why Adoption? Why India?
We’re fairly early in the process of adopting but we’ve
already been asked… why are you choosing to adopt? And why India? Those aren’t
bad questions – people are genuinely curious. So we thought we would share a
bit of the journey that led us to adoption.
Adoption was something Brady and I both desired to do even before we were married! We had many conversations when we were dating about
what our family might one day look like and the children we prayed God would
bless us with. Both of us had personal experiences with orphans on mission
trips we had taken and we knew that adoption was something we wanted for our
family. Before Ezra (our oldest son) was even born we researched adoption from
Kyrgyzstan very seriously. For a variety of reasons we didn’t adopt at that
time, but it left us with an even greater passion to pursue adoption in the
near future.
Fast forward a few years to May 2018 and now with 2 little
boys at home, we had a conversation about starting the adoption process… only
this time from India. We were maybe a little crazy – after all – we had a 22
month old and a 3 month old and we were definitely plenty busy! But God was
nudging and leading us to do some research and check out different adoption
agencies. So we moved forward slowly… talking with families that had adopted,
calling adoption agencies, reading about special needs we might potentially see
in adopted children, looking over fee sheets and praying BIG about where that
adoption money was going to come from… and God continued to open doors in His
perfect timing.
We sensed God leading us to India first of all because we
met the requirements for adoptive parents (married at least two years, 25 years
old, open to a child with special needs, etc.), but more importantly because we
thought that it was an awesome opportunity to be a part of sharing the Gospel. India
is a country with over 1.2 billion people. Only about 2.3% of those people
identify themselves as Christians. There are approximately 20 million orphans
in India. That number is staggering in and of itself. But it is even more
heartbreaking to think that a large majority of those children will never hear
the Gospel. We think it is a huge opportunity for our family to get to share
the Gospel with the child that will one day join our family! We also see
adoption as an amazing display of what God has done for us in adopting us into
His family! Please pray with us for the country of India and also that our
adoption story would point others here and in India to the message of the Gospel!
Fast forward again to this month, November 2018… through
some really cool God ordained circumstances, we filled out the application to
begin the process of adopting a child from India through Lifeline
Children’s Services! This happened faster than we originally planned which
means we’re also starting out with less in our adoption savings than we
originally planned. We wish we could tell you every little detail of how God
has brought us to this point (and we would LOVE to chat with you more in person
if you want to know!) but essentially God has asked us to step out in faith…
with less time and less money than we planned on having… and TRUST Him to lead
and provide for our family. We have witnessed God’s faithfulness in our own lives
in so many ways in the past, and we’ve also been able to hear amazing
testimonies of God’s provision for other families who have adopted. We know He
wants our child home with his/her forever family even more than we do and we are
trusting that He will do it in His perfect timing We are nervous, excited,
anxious to meet the sweet little one God has chosen for our family, and praying
for a lot of grace and patience for what could be a long process (our agency
estimates 12-24 months). There is a LOT of paperwork to be filled out and that
can feel a bit overwhelming as we start out. But a sweet adoptive mom said
something really amazing in a phone call the other day… she said “Do it afraid
and watch how God shows up!” So… that’s what we are doing. We can’t wait to see
how God works through this process!
Please pray with us for these things in
1) For the little child God has chosen for our family. For our little one's health and for the Lord to already be preparing our child’s heart to join our family. Pray
for our child as he/she grieves the loss of his/her birth family and also as our child will make a
huge transition to life in the United States… far from what our child is familiar
2) For our child’s caregivers. For strength for them as they care
for many little ones! For Christian caregivers who love Jesus and impart that
truth to the children they serve.
3) For our child’s birth family. For the loss they have
experienced. We pray for their hearts as well.
4) For our agency. Lifeline Children’s services has been
WONDERFUL so far and we feel very blessed to get to work with them. Please pray
for our caseworkers and everyone at the agency as they do the hard work behind
the scenes day in and day out to welcome children into families!
5) Pray for our boys, Ezra and James. They are young and
obviously don’t understand much about this process (although Ezra can point to
a map and show you where India and his sibling are!). Pray that their hearts
would be prepared to welcome a sibling!
6) Pray for Brady and I and our marriage as we work on
stacks of paperwork and fundraise and fill out grants. Pray for strength,
perseverance and patience for the process. Pray for financial provision
($40,000 seems like a BIG number!). Pray for times of refreshment and also pray
for wisdom as we raise two little boys in the middle of a process that requires
a lot of time and energy!
WE SO APPRECIATE YOUR PRAYERS!!! One of the ways we have
already seen God’s provision is that He has surrounded us with such an amazing
group of family and friends who have been an encouragement to us as we start
this adoption journey! Thank you for being a part of our story!
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