Why Adoption? Why India?
We’re fairly early in the process of adopting but we’ve already been asked… why are you choosing to adopt? And why India? Those aren’t bad questions – people are genuinely curious. So we thought we would share a bit of the journey that led us to adoption. Adoption was something Brady and I both desired to do even before we were married! We had many conversations when we were dating about what our family might one day look like and the children we prayed God would bless us with. Both of us had personal experiences with orphans on mission trips we had taken and we knew that adoption was something we wanted for our family. Before Ezra (our oldest son) was even born we researched adoption from Kyrgyzstan very seriously. For a variety of reasons we didn’t adopt at that time, but it left us with an even greater passion to pursue adoption in the near future. Fast forward a few years to May 2018 and now with 2 little boys at home, we had a conversation about starting the adoption pr...