We passed court!!!

Where do we even begin to talk about all God has done in the last few weeks and months? We are truly in awe of the movement that has happened in our adoption process to get us to this point. We want to share an update explaining where we are at currently in the process and share what is next so that you can be praying along with us, but also rejoicing with us at God’s goodness! On January 16 th of this year we got the call that our huge packet of paperwork called a dossier had arrived in India and our adoption petition case had been registered in court. We had an advocate representing us in court and we shortly after learned that our first court hearing would be on February 12. The wait from our registration date to our first hearing was really hard but at the same time we were so encouraged by the many people who shared that they were praying for us and for our court process! Often court in India is very unpredictable and requires multiple hearings and can span over m...