Exciting Movement!

(Working on more paperwork!!) Hi friends and family, This is a VERY overdue blog post and so many of you have been asking where we are in the adoption process now and what’s next. We have so appreciated your questions and prayers! The last few months have been extremely busy with moving and a new job and all that entails so hopefully this post will help explain what has happened with our process the last few months and ways you can be praying moving forward. We are truly so excited about some of the movement that has happened in the last few months with our adoption! The biggest news that many of you are aware of is that in August we were matched with the most beautiful 20 month old little girl! We are just in love!! We wish we could share more details and her picture on our blog, but for the protection of our process and different rules related to that, we are waiting to share anything publicly until she is legally declared our daughter. Matching was a huge step in the process and one...